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Payments Canada Developer Portal

Frequently Asked Questions

You need to register in order to call and consume Payments Canada APIs. As a registered user, you can log in and create product-specific Apps in the My Apps section of our portal. To call an API, you need to generate an access token for your App and include the information in the header of your API call.  

Please visit our getting started section for more information.

Once you're a registered portal user, you'll have access to Payments Canada Sandbox APIs. To request access to our production APIs, you'll need to fill out and submit a production request form. When we receive your request, we'll contact you directly to guide you through the application process. If your request is approved, we'll give you access to our production APIs via the portal. 

For more information, please visit our getting started section.

You can run into this error message when the API call contains header specifications (generated token) that does not correspond to the API Product specific App. For example, you created Apps "sandbox-branch" and "sandbox-extracts" corresponding to the API Products "fif-branch-api-resources-sandbox" and "fif-extracts-api-resources-sandbox".

Now, if you call the "fif-branch-sandbox" Api using the authentication generated for "sandbox-extracts" App then you will see this error. For more information please see the tutorial videos in Getting Started Page.

You can run into this error when generating Access Token using "Access Token Generation" API. In order to generate access token you would have to provide correct Consumer Key and Consumer Secret corresponding to an App. The Consumer Key and Consumer Secret can be found in the "My Apps" page. Please be referred to the "Authentication" section in the Getting Started page that shows the step-by-step process for generating an access token for an App.